Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Woman to Woman Encouragement

Someone will always be smarter.
Their house will be bigger.
They will drive a better car.
Their children will do better in school.
Their partners will fix more things around the house.

So let it go and love you and your circumstances.

Think about it.

The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart.
The most highly favored woman on your job may be unable to have children.
The richest woman you know - she's got the car, the house, the clothes - might be heartbreakingly lonely.

So, love you.
Love who you are right now.
Tell yourself, "I am too blessed to be stressed."
Be blessed ladies and pass this on to encourage another woman.
"To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world."

*from an email sent by my lovely friend, Desi*

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

faRewEll mY FrieNd

Hwaaa… akhirnya hari itu tiba juga…
One of my best friends in the office is leaving the office.. meaning, she’s leaving us as well, in a sense that we won’t be seeing each other again everyday.. Even though I’m happy for her, but there’s also part of my heart saying that I’m going to miss her.. *well I guess all the gang will miss her..*

Aku bakal kangen rumpi-rumpi dan sharing bareng.. about all things.. dari yang penting, serius, kayak masalah keluarga, kerjaan, pertemanan, makanan *ini penting lho..*, sampe yang nggak gitu penting kayak gossip artis dan pembicaraan tak berguna lainnya..
Aku bakal kangen masakan-masakannya dan Tante Mila’s.. *hwaaaa…*
Perburuan mencari kado buat temen-temen dan ‘jalan-jalan’ ke ambas or plasindo juga pasti nggak seseru dulu..
Belum lagi she used to be my partner as dynamic duo in a teamwork..

Hik.. hik.. hik..

Well, everybody has his/her own path.. We may at times be on the same path, but some other times going to different directions. But I believe our friendship would keep us together, whenever, wherever we are..

Go get your dreams gal..!!

Here are some photos of her, in her last day at the office, when she had to look for her farewell presents: