Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Morning Coffee

Back to work...
it's been almost 2 weeks since I returned to work after my 3 months pregnancy leave.

Hhh,,, sedih banget deh ninggalin my little Caca di rumah cuma sama baby sitter dan PRT. Tapi keliatannya so far baik-baik aja. Caca juga ngerti kalo Ayah dan Ibunya mesti kerja, dia nggak rewel tuh ditinggal di rumah. Kalo weekend aja maunya main terus sama kalo mau tidur jadi lebih rewel. Hehehe.. tau aja yaa dia..

Sejak kemarin aku dan my Hubby berangkat kantor lebih pagi. Jam 6 pagi kita udah berangkat secara anak-anak sekolah mulai masuk sekolah setelah beberapa minggu kemarin libur kenaikan kelas. Yang tadinya kita bisa berangkat jam 7 pagi, meaning bisa main-main dulu sama Caca yang udah bangun dari jam 5-an, plus meres ASI dengan lebih santai,, sekarang cuma bisa main-main sedikit sama Caca dan meres ASI buru-buru dan mandi buru-buru juga.

Tapi karena berangkat pagi, it only took less than 1 hour to get to my office. Meaning, aku bisa dianter my Hubby sampe kantor karena kita bisa lewat gatot subroto sebelum 3 in 1 berlaku. Yippeee.. menyenangkan sekali dianter suami tercinta sampe kantor,, soalnya kan selama ini cuma ikut sampe kantornya dia dan aku mesti nyambung pake taxi.

Tadi pagi, hari kedua kita berangkat pagi. Sampe Mega Kuningan jam 7 pagi.. eh, my Hubby nyari-nyari coffee shop yang udah buka jam 7 pagi. Pas lewat Oakwood, lampu-lampu di Starbucks udah nyala,, akhirnya kita muter bunderan Ritz Carlton lagi dan belok ke Oakwood. Ternyata Starbucks-nya udah buka. Hampir aja aku di drop dulu di Menara Prima dan dia mau ngopi sendiri. Hehehe... Padahal morning coffee bareng itu ide-ku kemarin. Dasar usil dia..!!

Akhirnya kita stop by di Starbucks and had that morning coffee berdua. Kita order Flat White, tall, untuk berdua (karena masih menyusui, takut Caca ntar nggak bisa tidur kebanyakan minum kopi. hehe...).

Just a short 30 minutes, tapi enak banget. Bisa ngobrol-ngobrol santai di pagi yang masih cerah dan udah sampe daerah kantor nggak pake stres kena macet. We should do it once in a while.. :)

Monday, March 24, 2008


Weekend yang lalu adalah looong weekend... Libur nasional mulai dari Kamis - Minggu.. (Kamis: Maulud Nabi dan Jumat: Wafatnya Isa Al Masih)..

Perfect timing buatku dan my Hubby untuk pindah rumah.
Hiks,,, sedih juga ninggalin rumah di Bukit Nirvana.. rumah yang kita bangun dengan cinta dan perjuangaaan... dari yang financially terbatas, renovasi sana sini sedikit demi sedikit (sesuai keadaan keuangan juga, yang waktu itu plus persiapan buat kawin, beli mobil dll) untuk mewujudkan rumah impian.

Ternyata cuma 1 tahun kita tinggal di rumah itu.. Things change.. Cinere ujung itu makin macet aja,, tiap pulang kantor, udah ngantuk2 di jalan,, kok nggak sampe-sampe jugaaa ya.. Belum lagi kalo pagi,, belakangan ini malah 'kejar-kejaran' sama adzan subuh.
With this Kiddy on her way, kita pikir, wah, nanti kita nggak punya waktu cukup buat si Kiddy kalau pulang ke rumah itu cuma 'numpang tidur' aja.

Akhirnya, jadilah this lovely house at Vila Cinere Mas is ours.
Setelah proses jual beli yang agak lama, akhirnya akhir bulan lalu (Feb), jual beli terlaksana. Dalam waktu 1 bulan kita berhasil mempersiapkan dan melaksanakan si pindahan ini. Time is ticking, this baby is coming soon, so we need to move fast too (not to mention minggu depan my Hubby ada tugas kantor 1 minggu). So it had to be done by that long weekend.

Kamis, dimulai dengan finishing packing barang-barang dari Bukit Nirvana. Sebagian udah dicicil dari minggu lalu. Rumah udah penuh sama box, plus knock down lemari baju dan tempat tidur. Ternyata selesai sebelum jam 12 siang, berkat tim sukses yang cekatan itu (ada Mama plus dua pasukannya plus mas Ponidi yang bantuin my Hubby dengan barang-barang kelas berat). Aku, si kaki bengkak, mostly cuma duduk aja sambil sedikit2 kasih instruksi buat yang packing2 (si erna dan sarah). Hari itu sebagian barang ternyata bisa diangkut ke rumah Vila. Untung juga mover-nya ternyata available hari itu (padahal pesennya buat Jumat), plus service AC yang mindahin AC n water heater.

Kamis malam,, tidur berdua Mama di rumah Mama.. My Hubby dan Papa nginep di rumah Vila. Malem jumatan berdua... hehehe..

Jumat, tinggal 1 kloter barang yang perlu dibawa. Kali ini aku yang urus, karena my Hubby udah standby di Vila. Next, bongkar-bongkar barang di Vila dengan tim yang sama. Mbak Dyah dan Pierre dateng,, meramaikan suasana aja, sama makan bareng.. hehe.. Sorenya Bulek Ninik dan Oom Arifin dateng juga, sidak,, tau-tau telfon dan muncul.. Thanks for visiting.. untung rumahnya udah lumayan rapi,, dan bak mandi hadiah Bulek buat Kiddy udah dirakit dan bertengger manis di kamar Kiddy.. :) hehe...

Jumat malam, my first night at Vila.. Agak gak bisa tidur juga, masih adjust sama tempat baru, plus kamar digelapin abis sama my Hubby (secara nggak bisa tidur pake lampu, tapi lampu tidurnya belum ketemu di mana.. haha..).

Sabtu, tinggal ngerapihin barang-barang aja. Terutama yang printilan. Masukin baju ke lemari, pernik-pernik ke laci dan meja, dll. Mama n Papa stayed there all day,, sampe midnight. Pakmas, Tante Titien, Mbak Lucy, Arwin n Maxi berkunjung sore-sore. Kita minum teh anget dan goreng pisang deh..

Sabtu malem tidur di sana lagi. Agak berat juga naik turun tangga dengan perut yang ndut ini. Satu hari maksimal cuma 3 kali naik-turun.

Minggu,, keluarga pondok gede yang dateng.. plus Mama, Papa, Mbak Dyah dan Pierre. Potong tumpeng nasi kuning (simbolis aja..) dan makan nasi liwet dan bakmi singapore.. ditambah es kelapa muda dan pudding coklat.

Fyuuuh capek juga.. tapi puas,, done right on schedule.

Hope the house will be our home, which give warmth, safety, love and all the good things for our family and everyone coming into our home.

(also read: http://mylittlean9el.blogspot.com/2008/03/home-for-you.html )


A good place to work requires at least a good and reputable company, good appreciation and renumeration, good scope of work (including a challenging one!) and a good working enviroment (that also means good teamwork and leader).

... and one of the above items, I don't have...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

For Old Time Sake

It was so lovely,,, last weekend I spent the night at Mbak Dyah's, my beloved sister.. Her husband was staying at the hospital, taking care of his mom who was hospitalized.. and my hubby was on duty to Medan for the weekend. What a coincidence...

(picture was taken at Mbak Dyah's home, but was take almost a year ago)

Sri, our 'life-time' housekeeper was also staying there to accompany us. Mbak Dyah, who just returned from Bangkok last week, got both her ankles injured during her trip to Bangkok (too much shopping I guess.. hahaha...), so she couldn't walk fast and too long. While myself, during my 7th month pregnancy, also couldn't walk too long and fast either. Hehehe..

So, here we were, staying at her house almost the whole weekend. I arrived there at about 5 p.m. saturday afternoon. We had some chit chat, watched the video of her and her husband during their visit to BKK, saw the pictures of my 7th month pregnancy traditional ceremony (mitoni)..

Dinner were prepared by Sri.. since neither of us could walk outside and go to supermarket. No car,, and no fit feet... Hehehe... Sri came a little bit late in the afternoon with some grocery with her.

The rest of the night and the next morning were spent by watching tivi.. and eating. Hehe..

On Sunday, our parents finally decided to visit us. Their first plan was to go to PIM, after visiting Pierre's mom and Eyang Tari (both were sick). They asked us if we wanted to join them at PIM. But we've already prepared for lunch at home... (as usual, they always came up with changing plan in last minutes.. hehe..). So, they finally decided to cancel PIM and went to Mbak Dyah's home. Hehehe.. and they came with some more food... :)

So, we ended up having lunch together.. just the 4 of us.. with Sri assisting us.. just like the old times.. :)

At about 4 p.m. my hubby picked me up and we went home.. We had an early sleep that night. It was raining.. and it felt so good to be in his arms.. Welcome home hunny...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Upacara 7 Bulanan (Mitoni)

Dalam tradisi Jawa, bagi kehamilan pertama yang telah mencapai usia 7 bulan kehamilan, diadakan upacara syukuran atau selamatan atas kehamilan tersebut. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengucap syukur karena telah melalui tahap 7 bulan pertama kehamilan dengan selamat dan mohon keselamatan bagi cabang bayi dan sang ibu dalam menjalani tahap akhir kehamilan dan dalam proses persalinan kelak. Tujuan tambahan bagi kami adalah turut melestarikan adat istiadat yang selama ini ada.

Setelah beberapa kali mengalami perubahan jadwal, akhirnya kami melaksanakan upacara mitoni untuk calon buah hati kami, si Kiddy (panggilan sayang kami kepadanya selama dia dalam kandungan) pada hari Sabtu, 9 Februari 2008. Hari tersebut dipilih dengan pertimbangan bahwa upacara mitoni sebaiknya dilakukan di hari Rabu atau Sabtu.

Saya sebenarnya hanya ingat beberapa hal yang biasa dilakukan dalam upacara mitoni tersebut berdasarkan pengalaman masa kecil, di mana Nini saya almarhumah (nenek) biasa menyelenggarakan upacara tersebut bagi Oom-oom dan Tante-tante saya, serta bagi kerabat lainnya. Sekarang ini sulit mencari buku referensi mengenai bagaimana penyelenggaraan upacara tersebut. Thank you to technology, informasi tersebut bisa saya dapat hanya dengan browsing via internet.

Terima kasih kepada berbagai sumber yang telah memberikan informasi tersebut.Karena itulah, saya dalam kesempatan ini juga ingin membagi sedikit pengetahuan mengenai penyelenggaraan upacara mitoni kepada pembaca blog saya. Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bisa berguna bagi pasangan calon ayah dan ibu lainnya..

Baca juga ulasan lengkapnya pada http://mylittlean9el.blogspot.com/2008/02/7-bulanan-mitoni.html dan ulasan lengkap lainnya pada http://mylittlean9el.blogspot.com

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

ARYA AND ARIEL: kisah dalam sepotong kaos

On new year’s eve, Mbak Dyah and Pierre gave Arya and Ariel a funny gift, a T-shirt with 2 holes for their heads, but only 2 holes for arms (1 for Arya’s right arm and the other one for Ariel’s left arm). Well, you should see the picture.. Hehe…

So, they wore the T-shirt during the countdown to 2008.. the T-shirt says: KITA INI BUKAN HANYA SEKEDAR SEHIDUP SEMATI, TAPI JUGA SEHIDUP SE-T-SHIRT.
Happily ever after you love birds…


My cousin, Bayu just being ‘sunat’ on 28 December 2007. He finally decided to do that after seeing the doctor who helped him with the whole process. It took only 20 minutes.

The next day, on Saturday, 29 Dec 2007 we all came to Bayu’s sunatan celebration at his home. We brought some money as a gift to him, so called ‘salam tempel’. He put the money into his piggy bank he just got from Mbak Dyah on Christmas. Every money inserted into that red piggy bank will sound ‘oink oink..’. Hehehe.. funny piggy bank.

We were surprised when Mbak Lia, one of my cousins, asked him to show his penis with the result of the ‘sunat’,, and Bayu, with no doubt showed it to her. It’s just simply because she has ‘paid’ him through the salam tempel. Hahaha…

Mbak Dyah and I didn’t want to miss that once in a lifetime opportunity.. we asked Bayu to show us that ‘thing’ too. Hehe…

But.. having seen ‘that’, we deliberately screamed… ‘yiieks… eeeuugh…’ Oooh, can’t describe it.. we rather not see it in the first place. Bayu laughed at us..

Well, Bayu, hope you’ll get better soon and grow much bigger and taller…I think that was one of his happy day.. not to mention that he got so much money from all of us.. also in different currencies.. hahaa…

Monday, January 07, 2008


2007 was a year full of so many important things in my life..

It started in the beginning of the 2007, when Nini had the attack and passed away in January 2007. It was a big loss for all of us.. a person who has been a center of our lives, our godmother, our foundation of love..

But that’s life.. and this is the circle of life.. not much later than January, there was a happy news knowing that Intan is pregnant. Banu and Intan were expecting a baby. A new life was about to begin..

I also experience a moment when I had to make a very hard decision in my life. I just hoped that it was for a good cause, although I knew for sure that I had hurt someone I respect and love so much by taking that decision. I just kept asking God to guide me so that was the right thing to do.

By being on our own now, (without Nini at our side), we were more convinced to decide to move out to our new home at Bukit Nirvana. We didn’t have to worry anymore that we might leave Nini alone at Cilandak. We moved in to Bukit Nirvana in May 2007.

Few months later, in August, just about our 2nd wedding anniversary, my hubby and I got this wonderful news. The answer to our prayers… Doctor said that I am also pregnant. It was just like the most precious anniversary gift for us.
Dear God, thank you for all of these big steps in my life. I believe that everything happened for a reason. Hope 2008 will bring us more happiness, health, success, love and joy. Please keep us in Your guide always…


Like last year, we gathered at Bintaro to celebrate new year…it was a year ago when Nini joined the new year eve 2007.. our last gathering with her before the attack.

This time we have more companies, the Olsons were also joining us, Rod, Anna and Ariel. Plus Arya of course,, and another new member in our family, the one-month-old Bana..

We started with BBQ from Ranch Market. Two ranch market’s staffs were there to help us with the barbeque. Fyuuh, so we don’t need to be around the smoky BBQ pan. Hehe..
We had meat, fish, shrimp and chicken. Well, I only ate the fish and chicken. Plus there were also angel hair, fish soup and others. Not to mentioned the snacks all around us. We didn’t stop eating while waiting for the midnight.

Happy New Year 2008…
The sound of the trumpets was all around the house…
Then we started the fireworks party at the backyard. It was great fun. Happy New Year everyone.. wishing all of you health, happiness, success, love, blessing and joy throughout the year and ahead…

… and we all went home at about 1.30 a.m.