Tuesday, January 08, 2008


My cousin, Bayu just being ‘sunat’ on 28 December 2007. He finally decided to do that after seeing the doctor who helped him with the whole process. It took only 20 minutes.

The next day, on Saturday, 29 Dec 2007 we all came to Bayu’s sunatan celebration at his home. We brought some money as a gift to him, so called ‘salam tempel’. He put the money into his piggy bank he just got from Mbak Dyah on Christmas. Every money inserted into that red piggy bank will sound ‘oink oink..’. Hehehe.. funny piggy bank.

We were surprised when Mbak Lia, one of my cousins, asked him to show his penis with the result of the ‘sunat’,, and Bayu, with no doubt showed it to her. It’s just simply because she has ‘paid’ him through the salam tempel. Hahaha…

Mbak Dyah and I didn’t want to miss that once in a lifetime opportunity.. we asked Bayu to show us that ‘thing’ too. Hehe…

But.. having seen ‘that’, we deliberately screamed… ‘yiieks… eeeuugh…’ Oooh, can’t describe it.. we rather not see it in the first place. Bayu laughed at us..

Well, Bayu, hope you’ll get better soon and grow much bigger and taller…I think that was one of his happy day.. not to mention that he got so much money from all of us.. also in different currencies.. hahaa…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

have u any picture of sunnat?